Saturday, May 13, 2017

Book Chat: What I Want to See More of in Romance

       One of the most important selections of what to include in any book review is to include what yourself as the reader would like to see more of from the genre or even from the authors themselves. This small factor might not seem like a huge deal but in reality, publishers pay attention to what readers are wanting the most. Including this information within your review can not only aid publishers in signing new authors but also helps other readers identify what they too are looking for in their own favorite genres. In my opinion, it is a win situation for every party involved.

  Since my favorite genre tends to be romance, in general, I thought I would share in today's book chat of what I am looking for in a romance novel. Each time I review I try to narrow down what I loved most about the actual romance theme and what I didn't enjoy. It is always best to center your attention when writing a review on the actual genre such as the chemistry between the characters, the traits of both the hero and the heroine as well as how the sensual scenes played into the book.  Easy enough. Yet, how about what we the readers want to see in a romance novel? I feel like so many themes such as rogues to dukes are often times boring. Do not get me wrong I do enjoy these themes but I am more than ready for authors to embrace a different romance or at least a plot in such themes.

  Modern day readers might find the themes of firefighters, sheriffs, and even doctors also a bit worn. There is nothing wrong with the actual themes but rather than on how the character or the plot is written. Other themes such as the paranormal highlights of vampires, werewolves, warlocks and dragons I prefer to stay more traditional. Basically, it is all the things we need as individual readers and so here is what I want the most in the romance genre:

-Sweeter heroes. I love a hot-headed bad boy as much as the next reader, but I can live without the hardcore sex scenes and explicit language that often trails within these romances.

-Independent heroines. Yes, I love a damsel-in-distress but the modern age woman is not so easily defeated and I would like to see more independence written into the heroines.

-Change of plots. If a hero must be a firefighter and the heroine must be a cop than I want a change of plot Murder mysteries and so forth are growing old. I am ready for a more advanced plot.

-Stronger writing. It takes a lot of energy and dedication for authors to pen a novel and I truly respect all writers. Still, I would like to see authors showcase their true talent and write more description into their novels. Shorter dialogue is becoming popular and weaker plots are currently sweeping the industry. I would like longer dialogue as well as plots.

-Dial back the sex already. Lastly, let's talk sex. From wall bangers to motorcycle sex, the sex is really out of control. Yes, sex makes a romance novel but when the sex is all the book is about I am not impressed. I want to experience the plot, I want passion, but most of all I want romance. I do not read to sex scenes within every couple of chapters. I also do not need to be told a million times what the characters are going to do to each other during their intimacy. 

-What are some of the things that you want within your own reading list? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment sections below. :)

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